Have you been feeling constantly exhausted, have painful headaches, get muscle cramps and feeling like there is clouds behind your eyes? If yes, then you might be dehydrated!
Today we are going to look at what is electrolytes, why you need them and where to find them.

Before we dive into what electrolytes are let's first have a look at the signs of being dehydrated:
- Lack of energy and increased fatigue
- Feeling nauseous or like you haven't eaten enough
- Post-workout headaches
- Continuous muscle cramps
- Acute dizziness
- Brain fog
Do any of this sound familiar, don't worry we'll talk about it.
what are electrolytes?
Electrolytes are minerals that carry an electric charge. They’re found in your blood, urine and sweat. They are required for various bodily processes, including proper nerve and muscle function, maintaining acid-base balance and keeping you hydrated.
The best way to reach and maintain electrolyte balance is through a healthy diet. Here are a list of the main electrolytes and where to find them:
Sodium: Pickled foods, cheese and table salt.
Chloride: Table salt.
Potassium: Fruits and vegetables like bananas, avocado and sweet potato.
Magnesium: Seeds and nuts.
Calcium: Dairy products and green leafy vegetables.

What happens when you sweat?
When you sweat, you lose both water and electrolytes, especially sodium and chloride.
As a result, long periods of exercise or activity, particularly in the heat, can cause significant electrolyte loss. That is why you need to replenish your electrolytes if you are exercising frequently.
You might want to use an electrolyte supplement if you are an athlete. We are always for the "Real Food First" approach, but if you train 5 days a week for more than an hour like Nico and I do, you need to supplement.
Here are some reasons why you might want to consider a supplement:
- You drink a lot of plain water.
Drinking a lot of water without minerals dilute your electrolyte balance in your body. Drinking lots of water is great but make sure you are getting those minerals in as well.
- If you train hard and frequently
Training hard frequently is great for your performance goals, but muscle soreness can keep prevent you to train hard the next day. Supplementing with electrolytes especially magnesium will give you all the anti-inflammatory benefits, ensuring you can hit the gym hard the next day.
- If you are an endurance athlete
Endurance athletes sweat a lot and lose a lot of salt in their bodies. Supplementing with potassium can benefit endurance athletes because it can prevent excessive cramping and it's also great for healthy brain function.
- If you are breast feeding
Breast feeding takes a lot of energy from a woman, producing that amount of milk can dehydrate moms quickly. Supplementing with electrolytes can be beneficial for both you and your baby.
our favorite south African brands
You always want to make sure you are buying good quality, no sugar, electrolytes from a reputable brand. These 2 brands are our favorite and they have amazing flavors. Comment down below if you have tried these brands.
Do you need help leveling up your performance with lifestyle and nutrition coaching?
We don't believe in a one size fits all approach to nutrition. We therefore follow a Macros and habit-based approach with our nutrition clients. Work 1:1 with your coach to align your nutrition plan to your training and overall goals, while still making sure it is sustainable and enjoyable.
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